Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy New Year!! =)

I Have almost been going to college for a year now and I am very proud of that! I have managed to keep straight As in all my classes and I am doing well in my classes I have right now as well. I am a little worried about what I will do with my degree after I graduate though. I watched the Today show about a week ago and saw a very disturbing segment! They had four people on the show that had gone to college all graduated with bachelors degrees or better and none of them had jobs and all of them were thousands of dollars in debt due to school loans! Of course it didnt say what their degrees were in but that still leaves me a little unsettled about my future and if I am going to be able to do anything with my degree once I have graduated. I will have a degree in the medical field so I hope that will help to secure me a job once I am done with college. Any thoughts???? 

Monday, December 20, 2010

Birthday, Christmas and papers due!! AHHHH

So it is that time of year again and the procrasta Santa I am I have just now picked up the last of the Christmas gifts! I hate waiting till the last minute and now I have to wrap them! My daughters birthday was this past Saturday so on top of Christmas shopping I also had to hurry up and throw together a 3 year olds awesome Dora birthday party! I managed to do it all the day before the party and it turned out great. Except for the lame excuses her two grandfathers had for not wanting to drive an hour to her party blah blah blah! Needless to say I am not speaking to them at the moment. I know be nice it is the holidays. Now I have to hurry hurry and do all of my school work because I put it off to have a wonderful birthday weekend with my baby girl and my family. Excuses from my end too I know but at least they are good ones. Oh well I will get it all done and hopefully get good grades to keep my straight As in school so far!! New Years resolution number one STOP PUTTING THINGS OFF TILL THE LAST MINUTE!!! My girls are going to have a GREAT Christmas anyways and thats all I wanted!! Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Year!!!!! =)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

getting my kids to listen HAHAHAHA!!!

So I have a serious problem with my almost 3 yr old (this sat is her 3rd bday) and my 1 year old and listening. They say the terrible twos are the worst but when does that end? Really she is almost three and she refuses to listen to anything I say!! I have threatened to cancel her birthday party and to tell Santa how bad she is being so she will not get any presents but still it does not work. She decides to pick on her sister at the worst times like while I am trying to get school work done or take a test or RELAX!! LOL. I love them dearly but CALGON take me away!! She does the most awful things to her baby sister like shove her down on the floor sit on her throw toys at her then my one year old retaliates by biting, pulling hair, hitting with toys and so on all while their dad is trying to sleep because he works the night shift. Sometimes I think I am going crazy!! What is a mom to do to get them to get a long a little better they are so young and close in age I think they are just going to fight like that. Who knows? Oh and going to the store that is like pulling teeth to have a nice trip to just get groceries. I dread having to get groceries any more it is awful one is pulling everything into the cart and the other one is screaming and I hate that I dont want to be the mom that everyone stares at to shut there kids up!!! HELP!!! LOL! 

Monday, December 6, 2010

Why do I wait till the last minute??!!!!

Seriously why do I wait till the last minute to do everything? I am a stay at home mom so I have time to do things it may not be alot but I have time. I wait till the last minute every year to buy christmas presents and I hate myself for doing that. Not only am I rushed to get what my girls want but then I am rushed to wrap and hide them! UGH! Now that I am in school I try so hard to set a tight schedule of when to do things and I do really good some weeks but then horrible others. Take this week for example, I have put off most of my school work because we went to visit family and stayed longer than expected. So in two days I have to do so much work I am having to stay up all night to get it done. Why do I do that? DUMB!!!!!! My birthday is friday the 10th and then my daughters is the following sat the 18th. I have people coming here for a party. HMM has Aleece ordered the cake or bought any party supplies? NOPE! I do not even know what I am going to have to eat pizza or something else. I need to stick to a better schedule! Any suggestions I am game!! LOL! =)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Finding time and patience

To all of you moms/students out there you know the struggle we go through just taking care of our precious children but add school to that and ahhhhh. I really didnt think that it would be this difficult to find the time to do the school work I need to and have patience with my two girls. My girls are very young and do not understand that when it is time for mommy to do some school work go play and give her a break. That is the time they bother me the most. I try to do my school work when they go bed but by that time I am exhausted and want to go to bed myself. LOL. My husband works night shift so he sleeps during the day and by the time he gets up its dinner time then time for him to get ready for work. I also live 85 miles away from any family so I cant ask for anyone to come help me on a regular basis. I get some done on the weekends but the further along I get in school the harder it gets which was expected! I know I can do it I just wondered if anyone else is going through the same issues? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks and I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! =) 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The flu shot contains a microchip???

As a mom of two young girls I have to make the decision to have them get the flu shot. I myself opt out of getting the flu shot because I am pretty healthy usually and I like to allow my shot to someone who may need it more than I do. Now that I have two small children this year I have decided yes for them to have the flu shot. This has caused many problems in my family because a few people believe what they are told and what they hear. A certain few have heard that the second dose of the flu shot given to young children contains a lethal dose or it contains a microchip that categorizes you so in the future when you go through a metal detector your name and personal information will come up on a computer screen and if you are wanted they have you. I completely disagree with all of it and think it is just ridiculous but some people just believe everything they hear and think the worst. I would rather my children not die of being deathly ill and dehydrated from the flu than not get it from false accusations from people who think the government is out to get everyone. Any thoughts????   

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My first post

This is my first blog post. I have never blogged nor do I read blogs from anyone so this is an all new experience for me. I am 25 going to school online and I have two beautiful daughters that are love of my life other than my wonderful husband.