Friday, November 26, 2010

Finding time and patience

To all of you moms/students out there you know the struggle we go through just taking care of our precious children but add school to that and ahhhhh. I really didnt think that it would be this difficult to find the time to do the school work I need to and have patience with my two girls. My girls are very young and do not understand that when it is time for mommy to do some school work go play and give her a break. That is the time they bother me the most. I try to do my school work when they go bed but by that time I am exhausted and want to go to bed myself. LOL. My husband works night shift so he sleeps during the day and by the time he gets up its dinner time then time for him to get ready for work. I also live 85 miles away from any family so I cant ask for anyone to come help me on a regular basis. I get some done on the weekends but the further along I get in school the harder it gets which was expected! I know I can do it I just wondered if anyone else is going through the same issues? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks and I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! =) 


  1. sounds like we have the same kind of life lol! my boyfriend also works nights and I also have little ones. How old are your girls? I have a 6 yr old, 2 yr old, and 10 month old. I kind of do the same thing wait for at night or I usually get up in the morning before they do. For me it has gotten easier the longer I have been in school because I have developed a routine as of when to do school work. Good luck with school it does seem to get easier and less stressful the longer you are attending.

  2. My girls are 3 the 18th of this month and 15 mos. Well I have been in school since March so coming up on a year and its not getting easier. LOL. I live away from family so I really have NO help I think that is the problem. If I had some help once or twice a week I would be ok I think. I will not put them in daycare though so thats out! LOL. You look really familiar where are you from and where did you go to high school?
