Monday, December 20, 2010

Birthday, Christmas and papers due!! AHHHH

So it is that time of year again and the procrasta Santa I am I have just now picked up the last of the Christmas gifts! I hate waiting till the last minute and now I have to wrap them! My daughters birthday was this past Saturday so on top of Christmas shopping I also had to hurry up and throw together a 3 year olds awesome Dora birthday party! I managed to do it all the day before the party and it turned out great. Except for the lame excuses her two grandfathers had for not wanting to drive an hour to her party blah blah blah! Needless to say I am not speaking to them at the moment. I know be nice it is the holidays. Now I have to hurry hurry and do all of my school work because I put it off to have a wonderful birthday weekend with my baby girl and my family. Excuses from my end too I know but at least they are good ones. Oh well I will get it all done and hopefully get good grades to keep my straight As in school so far!! New Years resolution number one STOP PUTTING THINGS OFF TILL THE LAST MINUTE!!! My girls are going to have a GREAT Christmas anyways and thats all I wanted!! Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Year!!!!! =)

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